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Nanny Illness Handbook

Illness is a part of life; as a nanny, you will likely encounter various health issues in your charges. From common colds to chronic conditions, being prepared and knowledgeable is essential. This nanny illness handbook offers guidance on handling common ailments and managing long-term conditions.

Understanding Your Charges’ Medical Histories and Needs

First and foremost, your employer must keep you informed about the children’s medical histories, including details of vaccinations they have received or are due to receive. If a child suffers from a chronic condition such as eczema, diabetes, epilepsy, or asthma, ascertain what triggers the condition, what medicine is required, and what strategies can help alleviate discomfort.

Nanny Illness Guide: Navigating Common Childhood Ailments

You’ll likely encounter several common childhood ailments during your nanny career. Here’s a brief guide on how to handle them:

  1. Colds: These viral infections are prevalent during winter months. Symptoms such as a runny nose and cough may persist for around ten days. Keep the child warm, ensure they are well-hydrated, and consider reducing dairy products, which can exacerbate mucus production.
  2. Coughs tend to come and go and are often related to colds. A warm beverage with lemon and honey can be soothing for a dry cough and sore throat.
  3. Teething: Frozen teething rings, chilled carrots, and apple sticks can help alleviate teething discomfort. Be aware that teething doesn’t typically cause secondary symptoms apart from occasional mild fever. Other ailments should be addressed separately.
  4. Tummy ache: Often caused by mild issues in the digestive tract, a hot water bottle can provide comfort. If the pain persists for over two hours, seek medical advice.
  5. Diarrhoea: For older children, bananas and plain white rice can help calm the symptoms, along with plenty of non-dairy or fruit juice-based liquids. Small babies with diarrhoea are at risk of dehydration and should be seen by a doctor.
  6. Constipation: Increasing the fibre content in a child’s diet, promoting hydration, and encouraging physical activity can help. Consult a doctor before administering any laxatives.
  7. Vomiting: If a child vomits once, concentrate on liquids for 24 hours, then avoid fatty foods for the following 48 hours. If vomiting is accompanied by diarrhoea, stomach pain, and fever, seek medical attention immediately.
  8. Earache: Ear infections are common, especially during winter, and usually require antibiotics.
  9. Chickenpox: This highly contagious viral illness presents as small red spots that blister over. It typically lasts for two weeks. Keep the child’s fingernails short to prevent scratching, and apply calamine lotion to soothe the affected areas. Notify other parents or nannies to prevent the spread.

As a nanny, one of your most important roles is to ensure the health and well-being of the children under your care. Please familiarize yourself with their medical histories, understand how to manage common childhood ailments, and be prepared to seek medical attention when needed. Always maintain open lines of communication with the parents and healthcare providers about the child’s health. Being well-prepared and knowledgeable about illness management can make your job easier and ensure the child’s comfort and well-being. Remember, you are an essential part of the child’s support system, and your actions can make a significant difference in their recovery and overall health.

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