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Excellent Tips for Assessing a Nanny CV

nanny cvOne of the major benefits of working with a good nanny agency is that it will significantly reduce the time you spend reading Nanny CVs! Their job is to weed out inexperienced, unreliable, and undedicated applicants. Before presenting any candidates to you, a good agency such as Irving Scott will also check the nanny’s references and the validity of her/his documentation. As a good nanny agency, we put forward about three strong candidates for you to interview, and you should not have to read over more than five to seven profiles – at the very most.

What to look for when assessing a nanny CV:

  1. Does the nanny possess any childcare qualifications/diplomas/certificates? If so, which one(s) and how long did it take to complete them?
  2. Does it specify which passport(s) (s)he holds? If so, which one(s)? Can she legally work in the UK?
  3. Since completing her studies, has she proven dedicated to developing a nanny career? Or at least a career in childcare?
  4. Look carefully at each position the nanny has held. What were the nanny’s duties? Some Nanny CVs are misleading, and some positions can appear to have been full-time when they were part-time.
  5. If you have more than one child, does the nanny have experience in caring for multiple?
  6. Does the nanny state the ages of the children (s)he has cared for in the past? If so, clarify with the agency whether the ages represent when the nanny commenced the position or finished. It is important that your nanny be experienced and knowledgeable of your child(ren)’s age group.
  7. How many years of experience does the nanny have? Some nannies have done full-time work, but those hours may also include a significant amount of time while the children are in school or asleep. Make sure you know! You want a nanny who can handle your time and energy requirements and won’t get burnt out in a few months.
  8. How long has the nanny committed to his/her previous positions? Has the nanny shown his/her ability to commit? A good nanny will stay in a position for at least 1 or 2 years. You may even come across nannies who have stayed in positions for 4 and 5 years! It all depends on the person.
  9. Are there any gaps of time on the nanny’s CV that have gone unaccounted for? If so, find out. A good nanny will document what (s)he has done since his/her childcare career began, whether travelling, caring for an ill family member or returning to university.
  10. Does the nanny include a list of his/her referees and their contact information? Home addresses? Landline numbers? If not, request them. You are entrusting this person with your children; a name and mobile number will not suffice. A good nanny will be conscious of maintaining an up-to-date list of referees. You are entitled to this information, especially if considering hiring the candidate.
  11. Lastly, if you are looking for a live-in nanny, has (s)he ever lived in? Ideally, the nanny would have had experience doing so, even if it were just as an au pair at the beginning of his/her career. It will always grant you great peace of mind if you have a referee to speak with on this subject and glean a better understanding of how the nanny conducted him/herself in the family’s home.
  12. Does the nanny have a First Aid course certificate?
  13. Has the nanny been DBS checked?

Hiring a nanny is a critical process that entails more than just looking at the individual’s experience and qualifications. While a good nanny agency can significantly reduce the time and effort spent in this process, the parent or guardian must review the Nanny CV’s meticulously. Key elements to assess include the nanny’s childcare qualifications, legal work status, commitment to a career in childcare, details of past roles, experience with multiple children and different age groups, duration of commitment to previous roles, and any unaccounted gaps in their career timeline.

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